For many supporters, leaving a gift in their Will is an opportunity to give a significant contribution to a charity they care about and respect, which provides a lasting legacy that lasts beyond their lifetime.
How will your gift be used?
Where your gift will be directed is completely up to you! You may wish to:

Sponsor a specific piece of equipment or a specialised program

Support patient care services at a particular hospital that is close to your heart.
Types of gifts you can leave in your will
Percentage – allocate a nominated percentage of your estate
Residual – a nominated amount or percentage of what remains of your estate after family and friends have been provided for
Amount – a nominated amount for a specific gift
Assets – any items that you own, property, cars, shares, jewellery, paintings etc.
Leave a living legacy
While you are still alive, providing a gift is another meaningful way to make a difference. Some people choose to do this by donating in honour of a loved one or by leaving a Living Legacy.
Leaving a Living Legacy means you can see first-hand the advances you are helping to make possible.
You may also have a tax benefit by making your gift this way. It is important to discuss this with your financial advisor or accountant.

Make or amend your Will or ask a question
To learn more about leaving a Living Legacy or gift in your Will to The Hospital Research Foundation Group – Stroke, please contact our friendly Supporter Engagement Team.
We would love to support you with Will preparation and wording, or discuss how you would like to direct your gift.