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Wills and Legacies

By leaving a gift in your Will to The Hospital Research Foundation Group – Stroke, you’ll leave a legacy for people impacted by stroke for generations to come.

Caregiver man walking with disabled senior woman grandmother at wheelchair in nature

For many supporters, leaving a gift in their Will is an opportunity to give a significant contribution to a charity they care about and respect, which provides a lasting legacy that lasts beyond their lifetime.

How will your gift be used?

Where your gift will be directed is completely up to you! You may wish to:

BBFS man

Nominate a specific area of research that is important to you

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Sponsor a specific piece of equipment or a specialised program

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Support patient care services at a particular hospital that is close to your heart.

Types of gifts you can leave in your will

Percentage – allocate a nominated percentage of your estate

Residual – a nominated amount or percentage of what remains of your estate after family and friends have been provided for

Amount – a nominated amount for a specific gift

Assets – any items that you own, property, cars, shares, jewellery, paintings etc.

Leave a living legacy

While you are still alive, providing a gift is another meaningful way to make a difference. Some people choose to do this by donating in honour of a loved one or by leaving a Living Legacy.

Leaving a Living Legacy means you can see first-hand the advances you are helping to make possible.

You may also have a tax benefit by making your gift this way. It is important to discuss this with your financial advisor or accountant.

Get in touch
Retired woman with her wooden walking stick at home. Happy senior woman relaxing at home holding cane and looking at camera. Smiling grandmother sitting on couch.

Make or amend your Will or ask a question

To learn more about leaving a Living Legacy or gift in your Will to The Hospital Research Foundation Group – Stroke, please contact our friendly Supporter Engagement Team.

We would love to support you with Will preparation and wording, or discuss how you would like to direct your gift.

Talk to us!
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